Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cold and Inspiration

We recently got our first big snow here in the valley. In this snow I have hiked the Great Sand Dunes and gone skiing (yay free lift tickets). From these two outings I have been greatly inspired to knit.

One inspiration has been all of the hats on the ski slopes. Some amazing creativity even from the large stores and ski shops, but they gave me inspiration to make funky designs, to line hats with fleece, and just to have fun with it!

Also being on the dunes was just fabulous. It made me want to cover myself in knitted wool. The beauty of the contrast of textures and colors was just fabulous. It was a reminder that sometimes we need to dare to put colors together or yarns that may not seem logical, but may make something fabulous!

So with all this inspiration I will continue to knit Christmas presents, and soon I will again knit for my lil' shop - so keep watch! And be inspired!

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