Hello everyone I have finally re-entered the blogging world! Well, I wanted to return sooner, but I kept forgetting to take photos of yarn and finished objects so I put it off and well... I still don't have photos of fibery things but we can still do a little catching up.
Since I was tagged by Pfeiffer Photos while I was journeying around I'll use my seven random things to tell you about the last couple weeks.
1. Though it is more expensive than driving I do enjoy traveling by train.
It is so wonderful to be able to bring all the luggage you can possibly carry without having to pay extra. I'm a bit thrifty so I like that I can bring as much of my own food as I want. I like that I can snuggle with hubby while trying to sleep (gotta admit the train car was little on the freezing side). And the people watching can be pretty good too.
2. In general I don't think of myself as a materialistic person, but WOW did I enjoy shopping while I was back in the mid-west.
As I am sure I have mentioned now and then - there is NOTHING where I live. Wal-mart. Payless. Maurices. Local Sporting Goods Store. So I had to remember to blink when I walked into Target and saw all the cute clothing and clearance end caps! I just enjoy getting together with a girfriend and meadering around - and that my friends is just what I did.
3. I found that I still really enjoy color work patterns, and I only enjoy socks if I like the pattern I'm doing.
Hence, my mittens are done and lovely, but I'm trying to finish up the legs on my socks. I REALLY needed my mittens when I was traveling so that was bit of motivation, but also I found color work interesting and fast moving. If you remember I did the Tiffany pattern.
Now for my socks, they were a little doomed from the beginning because I taught myself how to do short row toes. I think I could like short row toes, but I would need to learn how to pick up my stitches more correctly (it was somewhat correct). The main problem is I just never really got the hang of the pattern I'm using though it is lovely - so I keep trucking. That all about travel knitting.
4. I bought some yarn on our way to the train station - thank you Edla's. (photos later)
5. On our trip we saw rain, sleet, snow, wind, fog, thunderstorms, and even had a tornado warning. Seriously, what the heck!
6. Since I'm knitting my socks in a bit of a funk I decided to knit another sweater before winter is over - meet B.O.B.
Mine will be navy and I am very excited! Yarn should arrive next weeks sometime!
7. After returning home a cold took over my face, but I am glad to say that I can now breath and have reclaimed my head.
Happy New Year! I think Julie told me that you don't have a Target, and I thought that was odd... I have one, but I almost never go there... I think that if I lived in a place that only had the stores you mentioned, I would only shop online. I boycott Walmart.