Thursday, February 5, 2009

Canning - Strawberries and Tomatoes

Some of you may recall my excitement late last year about learning to preserve food. For Christmas I got this awesome book by Ball which has oodles of great recipes for canning, and I a got a jar lifter from mom - jar lifters are VERY helpful.

So I have been monitoring the produce section for good sales so that I could dive into some canning and this week was gold! Strawberries for a dollar a carton and roma tomatoes for a dollar a pound! Hooray!

Looking through my awesome book I chose one of the many strawberry jam recipes, and also found a yummy looking recipe for bruschetta.

The jam turned out really, really great. I went out and bought a very fresh loaf of white bread from the bakery, toasted a slice and spread some butter and then spooned on the jam. I was instantly back in my grandma's kitchen and it was summer time. I'm even drooling a little bit now as I type about it - yum.

Now, for the bruschetta. I can't say as many wonderful tales about it simply because I haven't tried it yet. But I must admit my hopes are rather low.

See, I'm still learning about this canning thing and I think I packed my tomatoes a little too tight which means not enough of the yummy wine, vinegar, and herb mixture may have made it into the jars.

I could be wrong, but if I'm not I'm sure they will still taste good on pizza.

Those have been my recent canning adventures, in the world of knitting not a lot is happening. I am knitting some gloves to match my new hat but I'm not yet sure if I want the gloves so they may be listed on Etsy.

I'm getting ready to order some yarn for a baby blanket (out of Knitalong) for a friend, but the big news is David actually ASKED for hat!!!!

I don't know if I can communicate how huge this is. David hasn't ever wanted me to knit ANYTHING for him and believe me, I have offered. So I need to get some nice merino and spin it up for a hat. I'm guessing he is going to want a neutarl brown, black, or gray, but I am okay with that.

So what is going on with all of you?

Well, since I'm doing a foodie post here's what's for supper tonight: Chili and Honey Chicken Legs, that homely Cabbage and Ramen Salad, some scalloped/cheesy potatoes that I sorta made up and put in the crock pot this morning, and for dessert fresh strawberries (and maybe chocolate pie, we'll see how things go).


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